How to cite the recoded variable names in subsequent questions? | XM Community
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I am designing a survey in which I need to present scenarios to participants based on their gender. For example, when participants choose female in the demographics section, the character in the scenario will be named Amy.

I tried the embedded data function and recoded the variable name in the way "female-Amy" and "male-Bob." However, it only allowed me to cite the variable value (instead of name) from the gender question. How can I make it?

Also, I want to avoid the skip logic function, since it would lead to too much redundant information.

Thank you so much 😀
If you want to avoid using JavaScript then follow the below steps:

- You should have your gender question and where ever you are pipe-in the gender selected choice in a separate block

- Add a branch logic as shown below

- !

- Then use embedded data "Pipein" to pipe in the text.
> @Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam said:

> If you want to avoid using JavaScript then follow the below steps:

> - You should have your gender question and where ever you are pipe-in the gender selected choice in a separate block

> - Add a branch logic as shown below

> - !

> - Then use embedded data "Pipein" to pipe in the text.


Thank you! But now the piped text is "female-Amy" instead of "Amy."

I guess my original description was misleading. By "female-Amy," I mean if participants choose female, the piped text will be "Amy."
@evans that is an easy fix. On the right side of the Pipein variable definition, just clear the extra information ($ through the space after -) that is in front of "Amy" and "Bob" to leave just their names.

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