How to offer an individual response and to create a variable using respondents answers? | XM Community
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Good morning,

I am constructing a research in witch I need to allow a company to take a survey, calculate a variable that show how it is positioned on a specific subject, and then redirect it to a page where we’ll show its own position over the subject and then compare it with companies with the same characteristics.

I can already get its information and redirect it to a link where the results are shown, but there are some things I cannot do yet.

I'm having trouble with:

1 - Creating a new variable, that segments the company in four different positions due to a combination of other questions.

In my research I found a feature that might help me with this analysis, It's called Stats IQ. Does this feature allows me to create a new variable weighting other questions? Besides, can I lather show the response on a Graphic figure, or it can only be used as a crosstab?

Do you know any other ways to do it?

2 - Showing a respondent its own analysis (once I can calculate a company position, I would like to show them how they are positioned and then show how the others are positioned, but I know only how to show the responses of the hole base)

Does anyone know a way to do this?

Thank you very much for the help.
Hey guys,

I just discovered a way to do it.

You can use the Scoring tool to give grades for the question you want. By it self it doesn't allow you to create a variable, but you can use this score to make embedded data through the survey flow, for example "score1" and then you'll use this embedded data "score1" to make a branch and through this branch you can create a new embedded data variable that mach your necessity.

For example:

If you want to sum all of the grades of 3 tests someone had, and if the sum of all of them is less then 15 the person will "pass", then you use the scoring to give the grades of the tests, you create a knew variable through embedded data "sum_of_grades", and use this variable in the branch with the logic "If the variable sum_of_grades is more or equal to 15" then under the branch you add another embedded data, and in this embedded data you'll add another variable "situation" = "pass"

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