How to randomly select a subset of rounds for bonus implementation | XM Community
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I am designing a survey in Qualtrics that consists of, for example, 10 rounds that are presented randomly. For each round, participants make a choice that will determine a possible bonus for that round. So for example, if participants choose A they can get a bonus of $0.50 and if they choose B they can get a bonus of $1. At the end of the survey, I want to randomly select 3 out of these 10 rounds, and give participants their bonus payments according to the choices that they made in these 3 rounds. For the implementation, I would like to tell participants "The rounds that have been selected for your bonus are rounds #, #, and #. Your total bonus is $$," where their bonus will be the sum of the choices they made in the 3 rounds, and the round numbers refer to the display order of the rounds.

I thought of using scoring and piped text to determine participants' bonus for each round, but I got stuck tying the rounds selected for implementation to the display order, since the display order will be different for each participant. Is there a way to embed the order in which the items are presented into the survey? Or is some other way to implement what I described?

Thanks in advance!
Refer below post it will help
This is great! Thank you!

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