How to record which treatment group respondents are assigned to | XM Community
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Hi all,

Qualtrics newbie here. We're setting up a survey project that sorts respondents into several random groups. I'm trying to find out how to set it so that it records which group the respondent was assigned to. The help page on 'Embedded data' makes it seem like this is possible but I can't figure out how. Any help? Thanks!
Simply associate the information you want witht he customers on the original spreadhseet that you upload into qualtrics....


Upload the list into qualtrics.

Then in the survey flow portion of your project, add into the embedded data information "from contacts" at the place in the survey flow you want it to appear.


Note: You will have to send unique links to people. This way the data that is associated with each person is recorded. Otherwise, if you send the single anynomous link, that data will not be recorded.
Thanks Kate that's helpful however I am asking for when Qualtrics itself assigns people into random groups - we aren't doing this because they survey is being sent out to a lot of people and it's their choice whether or not to participate. Is there some way to record when we are having Quadratics doing the randomizing and grouping itself when people start the survey?
Ah! If the randomization is being done by Qualtrics at the Survey Flow/ Question Level.

This would be where all participants recieve 1 survey, but then they are sent to seperate branches dependent on randomization and/or quota fulfillment. In this case, You're going to want to capture in the embedded data which question was shown in which order.

Simply add a branch so that if the information shown on Random Block 1 is shown, record Group A. Branch if information shown on Block 2 is shown, record Group B.


The same idea applies for quota fills. Branch so that if the quota A is met, assign group A, etc..
i have the same problem, its quite tricky

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