How to redirect one person to a second block when quota was met but not all succesive users | XM Community
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Hi everybody!

I'm working on a thesis enrollment environment and I have limited slots for all the topics. What I can't figure out with quotas and flow is what to do when few people at once loaded the survey so the quotas didn't have enough time to process it and hide one topic based on the display logic. Then I made a flow, that in case the quota has been met it shows an alternative block asking to re-take the survey however from this point onward, based on the if conditions all new people using the survey would have to go through both normal survey and the alternative one based on the met quota.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

You can find the screenshot of the flow below.

@jck_chudy, I'm a little confused. Can I ask a few questions? Here's what I think understand:

1. you have certain thesis topics which allow limited enrollment.

2. People take the survey selecting which thesis topic they want to work on

3. It appears that you've created a block for each thesis topic

4. If a thesis topic has reached its quota, that block is skipped and it takes people to the next thesis topic block.

5. If all thesis topics have been met, they are given an end of survey message that says to contact you or something?
Hey @jck_chudy! Check out this page for all the information you'll want to know about the Quotas feature. If you have any additional questions about how Quotas process, feel free to reach out to our Support Team!

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