How to show the correct answer for each multiple choice question immediately after the user answered | XM Community
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I read about scoring but I'm still not sure whether it can be used to show for each question answered - the correct choice. In addition, I want to provide the user with a link in case he was wrong.

If I use scoring for this purpose - how should I do it? Thanks!
hey @yinbar

You can show after every question the correct answer with scoring


in Scoring Options > check the after each question option.

As for providing users with a link in case the answer is wrong you can use the display logic to check if they have answered a question incorrectly and display in case of correct option and show a descriptive text with the link (incase of wrong answer)

Here is more info on how to set up Display logic : Display logic

Hope this Helps 🙂
Thanks @NiC_Ugam !

Is there any way to integrate the display logic in the same page where the correct/incorrect responses are displayed?
hi @yinbar

you can use in page display logic !

but then it will show the link as soon as the option is selected before the next button is pressed

so the respondents after a few questions might know that only the wrong answer shows the link, which may prove counter productive if you are trying to test the respondents

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