How to show two or more blocks in the same page? | XM Community
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I have more than 100 blocks in total and I will randomly assigned 50 of them to the respondents. Since the question in each block is quite short. And it would be very annoyed if I only show one block each page, I am wondering if there is a way to show two or more blocks in the same page?

Do you have any ideas how I could achieve this?
Hi @Jiaxin do you have just one question per block? If so, you could just put all your questions into one block and use question randomization in the block options.
> @ClairJ said:

> Hi @Jiaxin do you have just one question per block? If so, you could just put all your questions into one block and use question randomization in the block options.

Hi Clair, Thank you for your answer! I could not put them together since I need to use randomizer to randomly assign 50 questions among 100 to the students. If I put them altogether, I could not use randomizer, right?

By the way, do you also familiar with randomizer? It randomize things with replacement right? Is there any ways to do it without replacement? I searched online and what I only found is through Branch logic. However in my case I have 100 blocks, that seems like a huge project...
Hi @Jiaxin you can randomize the questions from within one block. Go to Block Options > Question Randomization. Then you'd select "Present only [50] of total questions" or you could use advanced randomization.

My understanding is that the randomizer works without replacement. That is, if you set it to select 5 of 10 blocks, it would choose 5 unique blocks and not repeat any.

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