How to skip auto question numbering for descriptive text? | XM Community
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Is there a way to skip auto-numbering for the questions of descriptive text?

I have a paragraph of the introduction at the top of the survey, so I just want to start numbering from the second question.

Please advise me.

Thank you very much.
Hello @jhwang ,

Move the descriptive text question to the end of all questions and then do auto-numbering. After this, move back the descriptive question at first position.

Thanks for your suggestion. But I also want not to show a question number for the descriptive question. Do you have any ideas?

Thank you.
> @jhwang said:

> @Shashi,

> Thanks for your suggestion. But I also want not to show a question number for the descriptive question. Do you have any ideas?

> Thank you.

Paste the below code in the js(OnReady) of the descriptive question

`jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .ExportTag").hide();`

Great! Many thanks
I have an introduction section (text block) that I do not want to display a number. When I have auto-numbering set up, this section is showing a period in front of the words. How do I get rid of this?

I see the above post to do the following, but do not know if it applies here and also do not know what/where a "js(OnReady)" is?

Paste the below code in the js(OnReady) of the descriptive question

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .ExportTag").hide();

Hi all, I am currently struggling with this issue as well. I have tried using the code above, which did work, but the question numbers did not start from 1 (i.e. the first question number to show was Q5, as it counted, but did not show the numbering for, the previous 4 text items). Does anyone have an ideas about how to rectify this so the first question number which shows in Q1?

Becky_Davis , Did you do the auto numbering after moving the those previous 4 text items?

rondev Hi - no, I haven't changed the position of any questions.. do you mean that if I used the above code and selected auto numbering, and then moved in my initial text items, they wouldn't be numbered? Thanks

If you don't want to number those 4 items, then move them to end of all blocks in the survey. Then do auto numbering from 1. Now this will give Q5 as number Q1 and so on. Now move back those 4 question to its original position and use the above code to hide the numbering from these 4 questions.

rondev Thank you - this has worked!

Hey this didn't work for me. Any tips?

It didn't work for me as well...could anyone please help with this?

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