How to unsubscribe when using QR Code | XM Community
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I have a survey that students can access either by the link received in their email or a QR code that they scan in their dorm. Either way, the student is asked to enter their email to authenticate against the contact list. I send daily reminders and just realized that the students who scan the QR code are still getting reminders after completing the survey while the students who access it via email are not. I have a contact list trigger set up to unsubscribe the student if their email is not blank, but either I did that wrong or it is just not working. I added myself as a test student and completed the survey using the QR code. I still received a reminder email this morning, but when I tried to access the survey it told me I had already completed I know it's working somewhere along the line--just not with my reminders. Any advice/ideas?
Hi Virginia! How did you set up the trigger? Was it upon survey complete? Seems like it should work to me too but maybe something got wonky.

Here's a screen shot of the trigger. Maybe the issue is that I didn't add a field for survey completion--I just went in and changed it so we'll see if it works tomorrow!
I still have not been able to get this to work. Is it possible that I am not being unsubscribed because I completed the survey before I added the completion field to the trigger and that students who completed the survey after I added that field will be successfully unsubscribed?
Hmm. It's possible, I suppose. If it were me, I'd contact support since they'll be able to tell in what order things execute.

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