Partial Completion | XM Community
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Hi all,

I just received an e-mail from one of my respondents (co-worker). He can not finish his survey because I forgot to change the partial completion to 1 month instead of 1 week. I just changed this and published the survey.

I also send another survey to my customers but a day later and the reminder will be sent tomorrow. Are the respondets who partially completed the survey able to start over or will they get the same message that their survey is expired? Note: I also just changed the partial completion for the customer survey to 1 month just now.

Thanks in advance!
You can send the retake link to that respondent.
Thank you for your answer,

You also answered my question yesterday about the rise in responses a week ago. The partially completed responses was the reason for that, so thank you for that.

But what about my reminder for tomorrow. I now have 42 responses and 3 responses in progress. 30 surveys are completed so that means that possibly 15 respondents will get an expired survey.

I get that I can send a retake link to them but should I opt these 15 out of the reminder for tomorrow? Otherwise these 15 will get 2 survey mails sent to them, or not?
Follow below steps:-

Delete these 3 In progress responses.

Tomorrow when the all receive reminder link, they will be able to take survey.

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