Requiring at least one answer on each page | XM Community
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Could someone help with an issue I am having? When going through my survey, I noticed that I can skip entire pages and sections without answering a single question. Is it possible to require the respondents to answer at least one of the questions before moving onto the next page?

If this is not possible, I may decide to make it all forced choice and provide "I prefer not to answer" as an option.

Thank you

Edit: I should also mention that the questions are matrices with piped-in answers that only show up if they were selected in an initial question.
Hi there!

I don't know of a way to force 1 out of a number of questions on a page, unless there's something tricky with custom code. I think the 'I prefer not to answer" is a decent way to handle it. Or you can also consider Request Response if you feel Force Response is too strong.
Thank you for responding with your suggestion.

After messing around with Qualtrics and looking through every question in the community, I had also came to the same conclusion. With 'request response', you can still skip all of the questions and that leaves us with nothing to analyze. This could potentially make us waste our time thinking that Qualtrics had not exported that certain respondent's answers. The 'prefer not to answer' is still an answer even if it is not fully one.

So yeah, thank you.

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