Skip Logic not shown properly in the exported Word file | XM Community
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I have a survey with a skip logic set up: If 'strongly agree" to a question is NOT selected, go to the end of the block. However, in the exported Word file, the same skip logic is displayed as "Skip To: End of Block If != I generally prefer to use a diagram rather than a written set of instructions." It does not show the value for the skip logic (i.e., If 2.3 != 7, 7 is for "strongly agree"), and the question after "=" is not even the question I set up the skip logic for. I checked in survey preview, and the skip logic works as I intended, but it is bizarre that it showed up this way in the exported Word file. It is even stranger that a very similar skip logic showed up properly in the exported Word file.

I just want to make sure I am doing everything correct, and it is normal for skip logic not showing up in the right in the Word export.
This might be due to a copy mistake?! When copying a question, the skip logic and everything else is copyed as well.
I agree with what @Pat said. But I would also add: if you moved your questions around at all skip logic can get a little wonky. Go back to the survey and re-connect the display logic to where you want it to go. Sometimes it just get a little lost.

I also like to use the "account refresh" as a sort of "turn it off/on" again button for when I can't figure out what the heck is going on. Give that a shot.

If it still fails to function, I would alert the support team. Sometimes wires get crossed and stuff doesn't export the way it should! If they can see the problem, they are more able to fix it.

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