Slider Adding Multiple Labels | XM Community
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Hello everyone,
I have a slider question like below. I have 2 questions:
1-) Is there any way to put three different labels at the top for each choice. I need to put Bad and Good as in the example for the first choice Evaluation. Then, I wanna put Weak and Powerful for the second choice etc.
2-) Is there any way to remove the numbers at the top? I want participants to see only proper labels(Bad vs Good, Weak vs Powerful or Quiet vs Lively) not numbers.
Screenshot from 2020-07-03 19-47-35.pngThank you very much!

1. You can create three different slider questions, and keep blank the question text of question 2 and 3, just to make it appear as one question.
2. To hide the numbers,just make the grid lines to 0.

Thank you very much! Creating three slider questions looked so ugly but making grid lines 0 worked for me.

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