stratified sampling and randomization | XM Community
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I need help!

I'm running an experiment. In one part of it, I have two sets of 20 snippets. I show my participants just the titles first. They can pick as many as they want. So, once they click a title, the snippet will be opened for them to read it. And, then I ask them if they like to see more snippets, if they say yes, then they go to the list of titles, and can pick another title. The list of titles (2 sets of 20) is in one block. Each snippet (and the question that if they like to read more snippet) has its own block. So, I have 40 +1 blocks. I used display logic (if they pick a title, then the related snippet should be displayed) and branching (if they want to read more go to the list of titles, otherwise get out this loop and go to the rest of survey).

Now, what I want is based on the selected titles I ask my participant 10 questions using stratified sampling, to check if they have understood the snippets. And, I don't want to ask the questions right after each snippet. Let's assume one participant selects 8 titles from the first list (list A) and 12 from the second list (list B ). At the end of his reading task, i need ask 4 random questions from 8 read snippets of list A and 6 random questions from the 12 read snippets of list B.

How can I do that? Please help!

You could probably solve this using Embedded Data. Save an Embedded data field for each block they expand, so then at the end of the survey you can show the followup questions.

Each followup question should be in its own block, and in the survey flow, you would have an if statement with the block nested beneath. The if would be if the embedded data recorded that question was shown.

As for only asking 50% of those, that's a bit more tricky. Depending on how exact you need to be, you could put all those if statements in a randomizer and only present half the elements, but the if statements aren't evaluated till after the randomizer chooses them, so it won't know if it actually presented something or not.

Someone else smarter than I can maybe pick this up and run with it to finish it.
Hey Mattyb513,

Thank you for you help. It was helpful! I did the as you explained it I solved the issue for the followup questions. I used randomizer but I can make it work to give me 50% of expanded statements 😞

Thank you anyways,

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