Survey distribution won't send | XM Community
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I successfully sent out a distribution to half my team (3 people) as a test. After hitting send, it took only a minute or two before everything went out.

Then I decided to send a test to 4 more people, but the distribution status has been stuck on "Sending..." for over 15 minutes. Will it ever send?

My account can send unlimited emails, so that isn't a blocker. And I can't find any other reason why it won't complete the sending process.

I need to get this email out to the actual contact list this afternoon (over 1500 people). Is there anything I need to do to get everything back on track?
Can you try setting another test distribution to check all distribution are getting stuck or is this the only one. To release already stuck you may have to contact support.
@bansalpeeyush29 Thanks for your input!

I spent some time speaking with customer support and it looks like there was a larger issue impacting us. Just got it worked out, phew.

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