two different tasks/timing question | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I have one question about timing

I want my participants to do a procrastination task. They will have 10 minutes in total. Basically there are two different tasks, I want them to start watching a video as long as they want and then they go to the writing task. How can I arrange in a way that these two activities can take max 10 minutes in total? In other words, for instance, if a participant watches video 10 minutes, I want to show the timer to them in Qualtrics and tell them that they did not have any minute left. Or if they watch 5 minutes video, I want them to know that they have 5 minutes left for writing.

Is this possible?

Thanks a lot
Do the two tasks have to be on separate pages? If not, I would just use one timing question at the bottom of the page and set it to 10 minutes.
Thanks for your answer! But it would be much better if they are on two different pages :(Do you think it is possible to arrange that somewhat when there are two different pages?
It's probably possible with custom code, but I'm afraid I don't know of a way to do this with native functionality.
No worries, thanks for your answer though
As suggested by @JenCX, Using custom code we need to do following things:

1. Use Text entry question and hide the text box on load and have the video in the question.

2. Hide NextButton on page Load and on start of video start the timer.

3. Have a button saying - "stop video and start writing", On Click of this button, hide the video, show text entry box, and let them know the time left.

4. Keep a track on timer and on 10 mins completed, click the next button from code.

Thanks a lot for your answer,

Your suggestion totally makes sense but I just could not figure how to do this part: On Click of this button, hide the video, show text entry box, and let them know the time left.

I know you can hide the next button by using this code "var displayTime = 10;


new PeriodicalExecuter(function(){


},displayTime);" but I am not sure how I can hide it in a way that appears when they click.

thanks a lot

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