"Unlikely response - please confirm" | XM Community
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Has anyone ever run into a situation where we soft-prompt based on an unlikely response? For example...

HEIGHT: How tall are you?

[dropdown of heights going from 4'0" to 7'11"]

[If respondent selects height < 5'0" or > 6'5" then soft prompt] "You've selected [response]. If this is correct please continue."

Another example:

AGE: "How old are you?"

[If age > 80, soft prompt] "You've indicated that you are [age] years old. If this is correct then please continue."

I've done this on other platforms but curious what solutions everyone else has come up with? I'm limited to 508 compliant solutions at this time. I have a feeling I'm going to have to create some embedded data and set it with JS on page submit (counters + true/false).

EDIT: You can also think of this as a CONFIRMATION prompt if that helps!
refer below post:-

I ended up doing the following:

-Added a span with visibility: hidden; and role="alert".

-Set up JavaScript to check for unlikely response onkeyup. For example, onekeyup check if the value in the box is beyond expected range.

-If it is beyond the range, set visibility to visible, else hidden.

Looks like it's working. Anyone know if there is a pitfall for going this route with screenreaders? ChromeVox picks up on the alert seems like.

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