Using piped text to "carry forward" form entry | XM Community
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I have a contact form at the end of a survey that invites participants to be interviewed. After this block, I have one last block with another contact form (this is a separate invitation for participants to enter a lottery).

I would like to keep these two contact forms separate, but is it possible to carry forward the data entry from the first form to the second, using piped text?

So far I have been able to insert the piped text into the questions themselves (see attached), but I would like to have this piped text in the entry box next to the questions so participants don't have to type in their name and email address again. Is this possible?

Thanks for your help!
You can do this by setting default values in your second question. Instead of putting it as part of the label, in the survey editor click on the widget to the left of the question that looks like a gear and choose the option "Add Default Choices". Paste the code you already have into the appropriate box and save.
Thanks for your help bstrahi! I have done as you suggested and hit 'save'. However, it is taking an awfully long time to actually save...Could this be because the question uses display logic? Or perhaps some other complication?

Thanks again for your help
Ah, never mind I worked it out 😀

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