Using QR Codes and Anonymous Survey Links | XM Community
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Has anyone distributed their survey as an anonymous link embedded in a QR code AND in a Vanity URL? If so, how did you set the survey options for "Save and Continue" and "Partial Completion"?

For my survey, there is the possibility that a respondent would want to take the survey several times if they made multiple visits to the location where the printed QR code and survey URL will be positioned. If I select "Save and Continue", if a respondent accesses the survey via the QR code, but does not complete the survey, the next time they access the survey (either to complete the survey they had started by using the Vanity URL or on a subsequent visit to the location they want to take another survey to give new feedback ) it will open to where they left off (unless Partial Completion is set to a day or less).

If I don't select "Save and Continue", if a respondent does not complete the survey and accesses it again with the same device, there will be more than one response, possibly for the same experience.
Hi @"sheri.lowry" ,

Go ahead use QR code or anonymous link! I feel this the best way to distribute survey when we are targeting a generic audience and do not have a target/ screened sample.

To answer you queries about "Save and Continue" and "Partial Completion". While using the QR code or anonymous link if "Save and Continue" is selected then response from an individual will be saved using cookies of the browser you are using to fill the survey. If you are coming back to the survey and using the same browser your survey will start from where you left. However, If you have switched the browser or device Qualtrics will treat you as a new response and you will have to fill the survey again.

"Partial Completion" functionality will not have any impact depending on the type of link. For example if i have started a link on my Chrome browser and left it after filling few questions. Now after some time i have filled the complete survey but used Safari browser on my system this time. This will mean that my first link will be marked as partial complete if i will not complete it using chrome.

Hope this make some sense!



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