What do you do with Survey Title and Meta Description when the survey is in 2 languages? | XM Community
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We usually deploy our surveys in both English and French and they are combined into one project. I'm curious to know what you do with the Survey Options and Meta Descriptions under Survey Options to display the appropriate language.

The Meta Descriptions aren't visible to the respondent so we don't do anything with them.
The Survey Title is visible to the respondent in the browser tab. You can dynamically change it with JavaScript based on the current language.
document.title = "Translated title";

Thanks! Do I have to add this for every question? The respondent can change the language on the fly using the language dropdown.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/32754#Comment_32754You would put it in the header and make it conditional on the language.

Hey rarcegararcega,
Qualtrics recently deployed the ability to add translations to Survey Title and Survey Description.
They are listed at the end of the Translations, after all the questions in your survey.

Hi faris ,
When I used the feature you posted above, the translated title of the survey appears on browser tabs but the default title appears when I post the link on social media. Any ideas on how to fix this?

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/40862#Comment_40862Don't know if this would work, but have you tried posting the link with the Q_lang parameter added (e.g., Q_lang=ES)?

Hi TomG,
Yes, all links I'm using have Q_Language attached. All translations are correct except for the survey title when posted on social media platforms.

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