How to view email open rates? | XM Community
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I’m trying to find out if you can see click-thru rates and open rates when sending emails directly from Qualtrics. I saw a post that says “Surveys started” is somewhat equivalent to click thru rates, but is there a way to see open rates (how many people opened your email)?

Yes. Run the Download History under Distribution-->Emails. In Distributions, this is found under the arrow icon at the far right.


In Directories-->Distributions, this is located under the Actions column when the distribution is selected.


With either one, the resulting csv file will have a column labeled “Status”. Sort or filter by this column and look for the number of records where Status=”Email opened”.

@ash123 I believe it’s called Respondent funnel:

It will run you through all the stage, from sent, bounce, open…..

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