Survey Flow not Working | XM Community
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I'm new to Qulatrics and trying to build a survey flow that will end the survey if the respondent select's No for Q1 OR Q2. For Yes the survey will continue till question 3.

For some reason the survey flow is not working for me. I have attached the Qulatrics survey file and if you assist please.



you have to apply condition only once by edit condition: No in Q1 and No in Q2. Here in screenshot you are adding seperate. Only in above edit condition and on clicking + add And No in Q2.

Delete second Then Branch if completely and edit condition within first then branch if.
Hi @bansalpeeyush29 , I tested with the above recommendation and still does not work.


Instead of "or" choose "AND"

Also if you dont want to show question in block ineligible. you can remove this block. It will directly take to End of survey, if No in both questions.
No still does not work. My bad its supposed to be OR. If the respondent selects No for Q1 OR Q2 then the survey ends.
Oh i saw your qsf file. You have to add q3 in other block. and than in survey flow block 1 and then branchif and than q3 block.
You can move your q3 in anothe block

Hello @Jag ,

Here is the qsf file with correct survey flow
Hi @Shashi Sorry still not working. When I select NO for Q1, it takes me to Q2 which should not happen.

Below are the 3 scenarios:

Q1 - Select NO goes to End Survey


Q1 - Select Yes goes to Q2

Q2 - Select No goes to End Survey


Q1 - Select Yes goes to Q2

Q2 - Select Yes goes to Q3

End Survey
> @Jag said:

> Hi @Shashi Sorry still not working. When I select NO for Q1, it takes me to Q2 which should not happen.


> Below are the 3 scenarios:


> Q1 - Select NO goes to End Survey

> ----------------------------------------------------------

> Q1 - Select Yes goes to Q2

> Q2 - Select No goes to End Survey

> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> Q1 - Select Yes goes to Q2

> Q2 - Select Yes goes to Q3


> End Survey

PFA of updated qsf file
We can achieve this through "Skip logic". We don't have to do anything in survey flow. I removed the branch logic from survey flow. Please find attached qsf file.
So, did you get a good answer to your question? Happy to help if not...
@mklubeck I was keen to use survey flow but seems like it will only work if we place each question on a separate block. I noticed that if do that, the back button does not work.

As recommended by @Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam @bansalpeeyush29 and @Shashi the other option is to use skip logic.

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