I want to get the sum of NEXT PHONE PRICE2 and ONE OF ¥65, ¥130, ¥195, ¥260, ¥325 . | XM Community
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there have a question,I need your helps.Please see this question.

D10. Which one of these two phones would you buy as your next smartphone if the prices are as shown below? Assume it has all the same style features and capabilities you want in just selected for your next phone. Select one.


I want to get the sum of NEXT PHONE PRICE2 and ONE OF ¥65, ¥130, ¥195, ¥260, ¥325 .

(note:I know the value of NEXT PHONE PRICE2)

1) You can store these five prices in randomizer as embedded data.like create embedded variable price1 in survey flow add this variable 5 times and assign your different 5 values like 65¥....

And than put these all 5 in randomizer with one select randomly.

see below link


2) After that use math operations to calculate sum using embedded variable and known price2. Like below

$e{ q://QID1/SelectedChoicesRecode * 4 }

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