autocode a previous question. | XM Community
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Hi Community,
I'm looking for a way to autocode a previous question.
For example I have following 2 questions,
I would like to achieve when a respondent selects a5 at Q2,
then no matter s/he selected a5 at Q1 or not, I want now Q1.a5 is selected.
Is there any way we can do it?

Thanks in advance.

Yup, you can do this but will need a series of code to run this using JS.
Basically on the page submit of Q2 you will be moved to Q1 then (as both of them are of same type) you will punch the same choice as of Q2 in Q1 using .prop('checked',true) functionality and then click next on both Q1 & Q2. Meanwhile this JS is running, you will need to hide this from the person taking the link so hide the entire question.
The above is just the method, hope this helps!

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