Coding color background borders in email invite | XM Community
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I don't know much HTML, but I'm trying to see if there's an easy way to code a light blue border around a message in an email with a white background (see attached picture). I know there must be a very simple way, so any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Screen Shot 2021-04-02 at 2.14.25 PM.png

Hi @alev,
Try using the below code and insert it inside the source(<>) of the email invite editor. Put all the email content inside the

Hi Customer,

I know you're busy, so I'll be brief.! This is very close to what I'm looking for. How can I change it to be not just a thin line border around the text, but a full solid block of color all around the email (except for where the text is)?

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