Count Multiple Choice Response. | XM Community
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Qualtrics 4.PNGI have 4 multiple choice questions in a block. What I want is: if user select more than 4 choices from 4 questions then it will give an error "Please select only 4 development area".
Scenario: User can leave any multiple choice question blank, User can select 4 choices from the same question. In total, out of 4 multiple choice question user could not able to choose more than 4 choice.

Thank you.

You can use the following JS for it:
let all_checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(".q-checkbox");
all_checkboxes.forEach((cb) => (cb.parentElement.onmousedown = selected_choices));

function selected_choices() {
    let num_chosen = document.querySelectorAll(".q-checkbox.q-checked").length;

    // Set the maximum number of choices you want to allow
    if (num_chosen >= 4 && !this.querySelector(".q-checked")) {;
            "You can not select more than 4 choices. Please unselect one to select another"

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