Custom screen width for scales with long lables | XM Community
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how can I force qualtrix to display matrix like questions well formatted and without any horizontal scrolls?

I already forced bigger width for entire survey (using classic layout)

.Skin .SkinInner {min-width: 1000px!important;}

But this seems to be not enough to display my questions properly:


Here we see uneven spacing.

And here both uneven spacing and scrolling:


How can I make it work properly?

Is there any documentation for all the CSS codes recognized by qualtrics? Like .SkinInner and so on?
I really don't understand why one has do dig thru 1500 lines of code from the blank template to find out, that matrix width is limited to 780px.

Setting custom CSS to:

.Skin .QuestionOuter.Matrix{max-width:1000px}

Fixes both issue.

@Qualtrix: you should really provide a reference for all those ids...

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