How to access custom html inputs via jQuery? | XM Community
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I have a custom slider I'm using in a survey question named `rangeInput`.

Naturally I need to access the value in JS, but I am having trouble
jQuery("#rangeInput").change(function() { // this does not work
// ...

I can access the slider more generally i.e.,

jQuery("input[type = range]").eq(0).change(function() { // this works
// ...

but for my purposes I need to access my slider by name. How can I learn how to do this? I've tried other variations I've seen around such as
// ...

currentQID = this.questionId;
jQuery("#" + currentQID + "#rangeInput").eq(0).change(function() {

// ...
but this also does not work
Also see:

See attached a working .qsf.
I only added an id to your slider instead of name, i.e.

Then used the following JS:
function sliderChange() {
jQuery("#value")[0].innerHTML = this.value //or anything else you want to do with your value

var slider = document.getElementById('rangeInput');
slider.addEventListener('input', sliderChange);

Hope this helps.

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