How to add Hover Text to a Multiple Choice Survey Question | XM Community
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Wondering if anyone may have tried to add custom code to add Hover text to a multiple choice question?

The question has 4 choices to select;





I would like to add Hover over text to each option to give a fuller explanation as to what it means...

For example - when the respondent hovers over 'Missing' - i would like to display text "No structured performance reviews in place"


Put each choice in a `<span>` tag with a title attribute. For example:


<span title="Missing hover text">Missing</span>

Thanks for picking up my question Tom :)

Excuse my ignorance please (I'm not a developer); Where exactly do i need to add the <span> tag? Is it through rich text editor? The steps I took are in the attached file - I'm assuming i'm going about it the wrong way. I cant find a HTML View Option for the multiple choice options...

> @Denise_Smith said:

> Thanks for picking up my question Tom :)


> Excuse my ignorance please (I'm not a developer); Where exactly do i need to add the <span> tag? Is it through rich text editor? The steps I took are in the attached file - I'm assuming i'm going about it the wrong way. I cant find a HTML View Option for the multiple choice options...

There isn't an HTML View Option for choice options. They are in "HTML View" as soon as you click on them...just enter the html.
Super, Thank you so much.

I'm trying to do the same thing for answer options and while I can get the hover to show up, it truncates the text in the hover over. All I see is "Carbon offsets are tradable". I'm using this code.
 carbon offsets Carbon offsets are tradable rights or certificates linked to activities that lower the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. By buying these certificates, a person or group can fund projects that fight climate change, instead of taking actions to lower their own carbon emissions. In this way, the certificates “offset” the buyer’s CO2 emissions with an equal amount of CO2 reductions somewhere else. [Source: MIT Climate Portal] can use CSS/JavaScript to display the tooltips. See this.

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