How to give a "Don't Know" option? | XM Community
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I have a text entry question but want to give the respondents the option to select "Don't Know" instead of filling it out. I don't see a way to do this in the question options at all - any suggestions?
Stop! Don't do it Poppy! Qualtrics advises against including a "Don't Know" option and has a great article as reference.
@JulieT Thanks, Julie! That is great advice, however, my supervisor is pretty adamant that they still want to add a "Don't Know" option. Does anyone know how to do this?
The best way to set this up is to create a multiple choice question with 2 answers, the first will include a text entry, and the second will be Don't know.

Then you can add the following JavaScript to hide the first label, while keeping its text entry box:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {

function hideLabel(element) {

if ('input')[0] != null ||'textarea')[0] != null) {'label').each(function (a, b) {



} else {




var hideLabelsFlag = false

function hideLabels() { //QH.hideLabels() - Hides the label for any answer option where a text input has been added.

var elements = $$('.LabelWrapper');

elements.each(function (name, index) {



hideLabelsFlag = true;



@Poppy, this solution isn't pretty, but it's functional. Create a 2-option Multiple Choice question and have one of them allow text entry.


I'm not sure how much space a text entry field will allow, but it might work??

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