In a Survey, is there there an option to deactivate one possible answer option from a question? | XM Community
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Good afternoon,
I have developed a survey that will be used in the future in another run of my research so I need to keep constant the list of questions and possible answers. Nevertheless, currently one of the answers for a specific question does not apply so I want to deactivate it so respondents cannot select it.
Does Qualitrics support this approach?
I have not been able to find how to do it online and in the community forum.
Thank you,

Hi salacho ,
What I have done in a situation like this is to set up Display Logic in the choice I want to deactivate. Make the condition something that will be constant so there is no chance the Display Logic will go any other way. For instance, if the first question in your survey is always displayed, make this Display Logic something like "If Q1 is Not Displayed".

Thank you MatthewM.
Unfortunately, we already have display logic for each answer option. We actually seek disabling one of the answer options to avoid having the responders answering the questions triggered by such display logic.
I hope there is a way to disable (or gray-out) one answer choice.

You can select display logic in true-false as false and it won't be visible to the respondents.

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