linking answers to other variables | XM Community
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Is it possible to assign an embedded data field to a value that is determined by a respondent's responses but is available in an (external) Excel file?

For example:

The respondent answers a question asking for their zip code (a text entry question).

I have an Excel file that links each zip code with the latitude and longitude of the "center" of the zip code.

I would like to define two embedded variables, one for the latitude and one for the longitude that corresponds to the zip code given by the respondent.

There are solutions that use branching or drill down variables, but so far these would involve too much work (one branch for every zip code in the US for example), or would require the user to select the lat and lon after picking their zip code. Kind of awkward to have the respondent see the lat and lon at all. Would like this process to happen behind the scenes.

Hi David,

You will be able to do this through "Authenticator" and contact list.

Below is the documentation for the same:

You will have to follow below steps:

- Upload the excel file (in which you have zip-code, latitude, longitude) as a contact list in a .csv format. If needed please add the email column and provide any non-duplicate dummy email id for each row. Here is the documentation on the contact list:

please have a unique zip-code in .csv file

- Add an Authenticator in survey flow as shown in the documentation.

- Select the contact list which you created

- Authenticate based upon the zip-code

- Add 2 embedded data field (i.e. "latitude" and "longitude") underneath the authenticator and the name of the embedded data field should match with the name "latitude" and "longitude" given in the contact list

So, if the respondent provides correct the zip-code (which present in the contact list) then the Authenticator will pull the respective "latitude" and "longitude" value from the contact list.

Please try and let me know if you face any issue.
Thanks! This looks very good.

Two potential problems:

If one person takes the survey and uses a given zip code, won't the next person that takes the survey and tries to use the same zip code (since multiple respondents come from one zip code), be told by the authenticator that they have already taken the survey? Then that person won't be allowed to continue.

If the respondent enters an invalid zip code, I don't want to force them to come up with a valid zip code in order to continue in the survey. If they want to insist on the wrong (invalid) zip code, who am I to judge? That is, in this case, I would rather not bug them until they come up with a valid zip code (one that is in my contacts list), since a valid zip is extremely helpful but not absolutely essential to complete the next question in the survey.

Any way around these problems?

Yes, we do have a workaround for this...

Please keep maximum attempt as "1" and select "Allow authenticating respondents to retake authenticated section".

In this case whoever enters the zip-code which not present in the contact list for them the embedded data "latitude and longitude" will be blank.

You will find these setting under the "option" tab of Authenticator.

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