Loop & Merge show only a subset but evenly balance what is shown | XM Community
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I have a loop and merge question with a list of 54 items. I would like to only show 6 of them per participant. I know that there is a built-in function in the loop and merge where I can enter that only x (in my case 6) of the total loops shall be shown. 


However, I guess then Qualtrics randomly picks 6 every time. Is there a way to balance the options shown? Such that at the end each of the 54 items was nearly evenly shown over all participants? Basically the same as having evenly balanced treatments.

Thank you in advance!

Hey there! The current functionality of Loop and Merge does not allow you to evenly present the 6 questions as you pointed out. However, could you try this for me please?

Try selecting the block and then opening up Question Randomization:

I did an initial test and you can have both Question Randomization and Loop & Merge on. Then, just don’t select the randomization option. 

This would work as long as you are okay with it looping with only the 6 options, even from the start. If you need it to display the 54 first, and then 6 after, we may need to look at other options.

Let me know what your thoughts are and how it goes! Thanks.


Before your loop & merge block, create a multiple choice question with your 54 items (Loop & Merge Field1).  Use Advanced Randomization to randomly display 6 items evenly presented.  Hide the question with JavaScript. Then base your loop & merge on the displayed choices in hidden multiple choice question. Add additional loop & merge fields as required.

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