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Dear experts,
I am looking for a way to make the actual statements wider. Right now every statement is split into multiple lines. Is there a way to present each statement in one or two lines?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best, ZR

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You can actually click and drag the columns to resize them in the survey editor.
The CSS selector that refers to these is:

.Skin .Matrix table th.c1

If you want to enforce one line per statement add this:
.Skin .Matrix table th.c1{ white-space:nowrap;}

However, this may extend the width of the table beyond viewport and require horizontal scrolling.
Alternatively, you could set its width to 50% of the table and have your choices in the remaining 50% of the matrix table. The CSS for that is:
.Skin .Matrix table th.c1{ width:50%;}

Thank you so very much for providing the code, Ahmed. I found that the code for one line per statement (i.e., second code) and dragging the column width both work. However, in both cases, there was an issue.
Although the statements were presented in one line, the Likert scale was partially visible with a horizontal scroll at the bottom. How can I make the whole scale visible at the same time?

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Try adding this:

.Skin .Matrix table { max-width:100% !important;}

The nowrap style often creates issues.

Thank you dear for offering the additional code. Unfortunately, even after adding that, nothing has changed :-<.

Hi Ahmed, thanks a lot for your help. I just found a solution.
Best, ZR

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