Text Entry Form: Adding 'add another answer' option to the question in survey | XM Community

Text Entry Form: Adding 'add another answer' option to the question in survey

  • 19 November 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi all. I am new here and to Qualtrics. I am designing a survey where I need to ask respondents to name a few organizations (lets say limited to 15 max). For each of the organization they list, their answer is going to be piped to next section where there are more questions related to each listed organization (and loop and merge for each one).
Now the problem is that it is not good to give 15 text entry fields first hand. I want to give them 3 at first and then add a button 'add another answer' so a new row would appear to add name of an organization.
I went to the community and saw someone wrote a code for Matrix type questions and it works, but since I cant seem to figure out a way to pipe answers from matrix entries that the respondents made in loop and merge, I am seeking help if someone can modify the code to work on text entry form. Or guide for another solution.

The code is as follows:
  var that=this.questionId;
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr.ChoiceRow:not(:lt(3))").hide();
jQuery("").insertAfter("#"+this.questionId+" tr.ChoiceRow:last");
    var c= jQuery("tr.ChoiceRow:visible").length;
    jQuery("#"+that+" tr.ChoiceRow:eq("+c+")").show(); 

It would be a big help.

1 reply

Anyone? Please :)

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