Table Averages are not Correct | XM Community
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This is my first question so I hope I am asking this in the right area. I have set up a matrix table question using a Standard Likert format. Using the Results tab I set up a table that is supposed to have the average score per statement. However, the averages shown in the results table are higher than possible. 5 should be the maximum possible. The responses recorded are 10 “test responses”. Can I get advice on how to set this up so the averages display correctly? 

 I’ll do my best to include screenshots of each “set-up”. 


Table in the Results tab: (a preceding question asks about what term is being rated)

Results Table Setup: 

Scoring Setup: 

Any advice on what I need to change? 

I worked with Qualtrics customer support on this and got it working. The solution was, while in the survey builder go to tools and then “Recode Values” and then “Reset recode values to sequential numbers for all questions” Apparently my answer choices were out of sequence and this was throwing off the averages. After the values were reset sequentially the report looked great. 

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