Anyone else experiencing issues? | XM Community
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We've been getting the below error message when trying to access the Data & Analysis tab under a survey project.
image.pngAnyone else having this issue?

Yes, this occurs sometimes. You can refresh it and if this message occurs again then try signing out and signing in. appears they had some issues with the servers. But this message wasnt posted on the Status page until the issue had been ongoing for over six hours:

Yes, facing the same there is a data processing delay! - Are you still experiencing issues? Because we're still seeing strange behavior in the response data.
For example, when I try to update a response comment, I can see the tool updating it, only to revert back to the original comment after a while.
We're also unable to Export the response data. Or, I succeeded once. Then tried to Export it again, but was left spinning for 30 minutes before it worked, and then it was the same data that I tried to get 20 minutes before. See below
image.pngAnd now our Text IQ is not translating the comments. So something strange is still happening after the server troubles we saw yesterday.
Would be nice to know if we're the only ones. :)

All the best

I was able to export the responses not tried updating any neither the translations.
I believe the issue is resolved now. exporting works. Text IQ is still not translating and any changes I make to a comment reverts to the original shortly after. :/

Things seems to be working again now. So I'll stop my complaining :D

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