Averaging data from a matrix | XM Community
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I have a survey with a matrix that uses the Likert scale where each respondent is to answer 6 questions using the same ranking scale of 1-5. I’m trying to take the mean of all the data values that are obtained from all 6 questions, but the statistics table in the “Report” tab is only letting me make a statistics table for one of the 6 questions that is in the matrix. 

How can I obtain the statistics table from the entire matrix? 

If not through a matrix, what are other alternatives to record all 6 answers despite being in different categories? 

I know I can export the data to a table in Excel, but I am looking to make a summation report of my survey through Qualtrics. 

Also, I don’t have the StatsIQ option under my Data & Analysis section (not sure if this is helpful information to include). 

The widgets built in standard reports won’t work across questions/fields like that - only across respondents/records. 

We use math operations in the survey flow to average together a set of questions for an individual response (e.g. the 6 questions averaged per respondent) then average together across respondents in the report. https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/editing-questions/piped-text/math-operations/


You also might be able to use the field editor as opposed to the equations function - but I find this one somewhat limited in the fields it will let you work with. https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/data-and-analysis-module/data/add-new-fields/manual-variables/

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