Compare answers of 2 questions | XM Community
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Hi, I'm trying to force 2 answers for 2 questions to be the same. just like websites do when we register and they compare if we put our email or our password correct in 2 different fields.
I'm asking employees to write their ID number and I want to make sure it is correct and force it to be entered twice in 2 separate questions.
If there isn't a match I would like to ask the customer to check again.
I could only find validation inside a question but not compare between 2 separate questions. Any idea?

Hi there, this is possible by using Piped Text. In the Survey Builder, grab the Piped Text value for the 1st Text Entry question by using the Rich Content Editor. It might look something like ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue}
Once you have that, add Validation to the 2nd Text Entry Question. Make it Custom and then make it so that the 2nd Text Entry must be Equal to ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue} in order to proceed, like in the below:

Thanks a lot. I'm going to give it a try! I appreciate it a lot!

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