How to record how many times a participant has replayed a mp4 video? | XM Community
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Hi! I've searched for custom code to get the information from replay video and I couldn't find an exact answer.
(I've tried both of these:
I've embedded a mp4 video in my survey and I want to check how many times the participant has clicked play on the video. Is there a way to record how many times they hit play?
Thank you!

Just set an embedded/ increment the value whenever the respondent clicks on play button.

if(jQuery('#QID17 a').data('clicked', false))


var vid = document.getElementById("audi_player");
var i=0; 

vid.onplaying = function() {
var actual_click=i;
//console.log("played"+ i)
//alert("The video is now playing");


Thank you!

Do you put this code in the html or java?

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