Survey active in 1 language - adding languages while gathering responses | XM Community
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Dear community members,
I am trying to reach street musicians from over the world. I have 1 survey, translated in different languages, and I want all the responses to end up in the same data file. Some translations are ready to be used, others I still need to perfect with an official translator. So I use the feature of Qualtrics to have my survey available to respondents in multiple languages, but I want to start receiving responses while continuing to add new languages (as soon as I perfected the remaining translations).. but is this possible when the survey is already "active"/ in the air?
Besides that, is there a limit to the amount of translations that can be added?

Unfortunately, there no way currently to not show particular languages where you already started translations within the platform once you publish the survey to have the languages you already finished translations for. The only thing I can suggest is delete the languages you don't want available to users yet, publish the survey, and then only add the languages as the translations become final and publish.

Hi Fee,
there is a way to do this. But it's some effort and you need to use JavaScript

  1. store the ready to use languages in an emedded data field, e.g. languagesReadyToUse = EN, DE, NL

  2. then add a javascript to the header which does the following:

  3. get all availabel languages from the language selection container

  4. store these values in an array

  5. create an array from the embedded data field languagesReadyToUse

  6. define an array where you store the languages to hide

  7. iterate through the array with the available language values and push all values which are not included in the languagesReadyToUse Array into the languagesToHide array

  8. eventually iterate through the languagesToHide array and remove these options

once you have finalized another language just add this to the embeddedDataField

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