Having each participant create their own unique identifier to anonymously complete two surveys | XM Community
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I am looking to allow my participants to create a unique identifier for my survey. My participants will need to do two different, but very similar surveys on different days, but I need to match their data.

I would like participants to create a short unique identifier before starting their first survey, which they can use when going to do the second survey. As their results need to be anonymous, I will not have any of their details, such as email, so cannot use a URL link.

Is there a certain way to achieve this? Thanks!
Hi Ejudd,

The simplest method would be to just ask them to create the identifier through a text entry box in the first survey and then ask them to identify themselves again for the second survey. However, you'd expose yourself to some potentially severe user error as you couldn't force them to be consistent.

If you provide the link to the follow-up survey at the end of the first survey, you could use query strings to pass their identifier from the original survey to the follow-up. However, you'd need to enable the save and continue feature of survey options, and if the user clears their cookies before starting the second survey it wouldn't work. Happy to dig into it if that works for you and you want to know more about query strings.


Elliot V.W.

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