How to import an existing survey questions from Question Pro into Qualtrics | XM Community
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Has anybody had any luck importing an existing survey questions from Question Pro into Qualtrics
Hi @quillux, Not tried yet. As far as I know, you can export survey in Qualtrics from other platforms using formats TXT or DOC. For more details, please refer to the support page:
I'm not familiar with Question Pro, but I _am_ in the middle of converting a 600-question survey from Surveymonkey to Qualtrics. Any suggestions that others have would be much appreciated!

From what I've learned by trial and error, I have 'exported' the survey from Surveymonkey by printing the survey to .pdf, then converting said pdf to a .doc file via Adobe Pro. I just tried importing the survey without any additional formatting and it comes across unusably ugly. However, I think with some slight tweaks to the Word doc, I can make it work without having to re-build the survey from scratch! That would be a big win for me.
Hi Jeremy, I can understand. This is tedious task however there is no other way to manual formatting the spaces between questions and answers to maintain the consistency and appearance. Yes, you are right with some editing on word doc , you can avoid re-build survey from scratch. There are two ways you can format using simple format or Advanced format txt file. Same steps needs to be followed for doc format as well. For more details, please refer the link and search for Importing a Survey:

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