How to treat multiple questions as one? | XM Community
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I have an 8-question multiple choice question with 1 option (non-randomly) selected by default. Since I wanted that response to stand out from the rest, I put it as its own question before the other 7 options. Is there some way to link the two questions so that they will behave as one? In other words: I want two questions, a 1 - item bubble question and a 7 - item bubble question to behave as one 8 - item bubble question such that when the option in the 1 - item question is selected any selection in the 7 -item question is removed and vice-versa. Is there some way to do this?


I think i cannot fully understand the case, but maybe with a carry forward you can display selected or unselected choices from the first question in the second one.

Here you can find more info about carry forward

Hope this works
This can't be done out of the box and I am not sure what the custom code would need to look like to achieve this.

Have you considered just formatting that "special" 8th option differently to make it stand out more? I am struggling to understand the need in having it be a separate question.
Hi Akdashboard,

The problem I was running to with formatting the question differently is that the person designing the study wants a line between the first option and the later options. If I try to do that directly in the question, the line appears in the gray portion (see the image below, right below the first credit card), instead of in between the cards (preferably in the white portion, with more white space). With two questions I've made it look better.


If you have a suggestion for doing the formatting so that it doesn't appear in the grey box (or even know how to change the color of the box to white--I tried using css in the question but it didn't work. Perhaps I need to play with look & feel css) that would be amazing!

This JS should be pretty close to what you want:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

var firstChoice = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" li.Selection:first");




This is great, Tom. Thanks!

I'm not good at javascript, and I was wondering if you could answer a follow-up question. I wanted to add some space between the line and the second option. As you can see in the picture it's very close.


I tried running:

``var secondChoice = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+"li.Selection:second");

secondChoice.find(".LabelWrapper").css("margin-top", "30px");``

I'm sure there's something pretty obvious I'm doing wrong.

As always, thanks for all the help!
:second isn't a valid pseudo-class, so your code did nothing. I would add a margin to the bottom of the hr:


firstChoice.after("<hr style='margin-bottom:30px'>");

Thanks so much--I figured that might be the issue. I appreciate your taking the time to help me.

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