Importing student information for different teachers | XM Community
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Hi Qualtrics community,

I'd like to create a single survey for multiple teachers to fill out information on their students. Essentially, teachers select their name from a list, log in with a password to access a roster of their students and fill in assessments about students.

I know I can use display logic and branching but I have about 45 teachers to build the survey for. Is there a way to do it any quicker than manually creating 45 different blocks for 45 different teachers and branching?


have you tried with loop and merge. That if the teacher says he wants to answer another student assessment, the assessment block is repeated for the new student
Hi @erinlease what about bringing in the students' names as embedded data, and then combining that with loop and merge, as @ana_velez_voce suggests?
Thanks @clairj and @ana_velez_voce - I'll take a look at embedded data.

I don't think loop and merge will work because each teacher has different students.

It's more like this: teachers click the link, click on their name, and are taken to their roster of students and they fill in their grades.

Just wondering if there's a way to batch upload which kids are associated with which teachers, etc.

Thanks in advance from a Qualtrics newbie 🙂
Ah sorry, @erinlease I am realizing that embedded data don't work with loop & merge anyway.

But I still think embedded data would help you out. Here is how I would do it. I would set up the survey with the set of questions repeated for the maximum number of students (e.g., if the teacher with the largest class has 26 students, you have that programmed 26 times). Then, in your import file, use embedded data to assign students to teachers (e.g., in my row, you would see my name and other info, followed by each student's name in a new column, column titles would be Student1, Student2, etc.). In your survey, pipe Student1's information into the first set of questions, Student2's into the second, etc. Once you've gone past the minimum number of students that a teacher has, you can set up logic to hide the questions (e.g., if Student21 is empty in the contact file).

Hope that makes sense. It's still a little clunky, but it would definitely cut way down on survey size.

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