Skip or display logic | XM Community
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Hi there

I'm setting up a survey with demographic questions. Certain demog questions need to be seen by certain countries only, or not seen by certain countries. In my participant file I will have Region and Country as metadata. My first question is, is it better to use display logic or skip logic? My 2nd question is, as I will only be getting the participant file in a month's time how do I set up logic based on embededded data that I don't yet have?


Personally, I'd use display logic.

I'm not sure what you mean by setting up logic based on data that you don't have yet. Can you explain a bit more?
Sure, so I will have a metadata field called "Region" so I will use Region in the display logic, e.g. if someone is in "Region" called China then they see this question. However, as I'm progamming the survey now, I haven't uploaded any metadata yet, and won't do for another month, but I need to do the display programming now. But not sure how I can if I don't yet have the metatada fields to select from....does that make sense?
@karen_split-pin I would determine what you need for regions. Create your own values for it in your programming. And when you get the "real" data file, adjust that before uploading so that it works with the variable name and values you programmed. EG your display logic could be set up on variable ProgRegion. And when you get the data file, you can add a variable for ProgRegion and keep it's original variable untouched. If in your program you need Asian counties to be one set of conditions, then in your data file if Region=China you could assign ProgRegion=Asia and program your survey for ProgRegion=Asia. This way you don't need to know exactly what is in variable Region to do the the programming, but you can map it to another variable that you have complete control over.
@bstrahin that's clear thank you. Last question, how do I set up the ProgRegion variable? Do I do it in embedded data in the survey flow?
@karen_split-pin that is correct. If you want to test it without creating a dummy contact list you can use Query Strings:

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