How to auto fill drop down answers? | XM Community
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I want to auto fill 2 drop down questions based on the answer the user picks from the first drop down question. Is there a way to achieve this without using JavaScript because if I do employ JavaScript my display logic stops working.
@cflasrado18 This might be what you need:
Thanks for the reply but this is not what I am looking. Let me explain it better. If a user picks their name from drop down question 1, I want their email and area of employment auto filled in question 2 and 3 respectively. I hope this makes sense.
@cflasrado18 Where is the email and AOE coming from (contacts list in Qualtrics)?
@w.patrick.gale No I put in those choices.
@cflasrado18 Are those email and AOE choices within javascript, are you pulling them from a web service...? Are questions 2 and 3 simple text fields? I sounds like you would simply use piped text to fill in questions 2 and 3.
@w.patrick.gale Right now they are drop down questions and I manually provide the choices. They are not being pulled from anywhere. They can be any single choice question (radio buttons will be fine as well). How would I use piped text to fill in the questions? I am alright with using text fields if it accomplishes the task. Do keep in mind I am trying to avoid using JavaScript.
@cflasrado18 Sorry I don't think I can help you. It doesn't sound as though you have a clear process for referencing the user names to their email and AOE selection/entry, which you need to figure out first.
Hi, @cflasrado18! Just wanted to jump in here and mention that there is no built-in way to autofill dropdown choices. As @w.patrick.gale mentioned you could use a contact list and piped text to pre-fill certain question types, such as form text entry questions. Feel free to reach out to our Support Team if you would like any help setting this up! 😃

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