I need to add a widget to a dashboard that shows Nominations Sent by relationship-type for a filtered group of users | XM Community
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I need to add a widget to a dashboard that shows Nominations Sent by relationship-type for a filtered group of users


The data I’m looking for is shown by Q-360 when you display an individual’s details from the admin-page.  But I cannot figure out a way to access this same detail by a group of individuals.  In our case we run assessments for our corporate-members so the “group filter” would be (subject)company_name and Assessment_Launch_Date.

The widgets I (user) can access only pull from the completed-data.  Yet what my customer-contacts (not the subject, but usually an HR or Sales-Exec) want to know is who HAS NOT completed the evaluations. 
Additionally there is a Nominations Sent filter-element that turns out to be very misleading -- it is not the sent information as imported because again this is only pulling from the completed-data.  “Nominations Sent” of completed-only data is not nominations sent, it’s evaluations received.

I am currently using an external spread-sheet and tracking the “sents” from the original up-load sheet;  however doing this with a dashboard will be far more efficient and less error-prone.

I have included screen-shots of all-above noted images

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