How do I specify the size of text box in the 'Allow text entry' section using CSS? | XM Community
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How do I specify the size of text box in the 'Allow text entry' section using CSS?
Hello @Laura_qual ,

Paste the below code in Add custom css

.Skin .MC .Inner .InnerInner .QuestionBody .TextEntryBox {

width: 500px;

height: 500px;

Thank you so much!
I had the same question and the Dec. 2018 solution works great for me except on mobile. Is there a way to adapt the code so that it works for mobile as well?

Many thanks in advance for any assistance!

Thanks for this post. How can I make this code work for the text entry boxes in a matrix format question?

This solution does change the size of the text entry box - but in chrome at least it does not change the behavior of the text box. It seems to think it is a one row text box - instead of a multi-row paragraph text box. It's a helpful indicator to the survey taker that they can type longer - but ideally one would want it to behave like a paragraph text box.

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