Need responses (agree to disagree) to turn red, green, or grey when clicked depending on if + or -. | XM Community
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On the satisfaction survey that is sent after using Qualtrics's support chat, there is a question with the options very dissatisfied to very satisfied where when you click on a response, the option you clicked turns either red or green according to the response (i.e. red if "disagree", green if "agree", grey if "neutral"). I'd really like to use this feature in a survey of mine. I contacted Qualtrics to ask if this was possible and they said it was custom code that they used and that they can't share it with me. They recommended I search Qualtrics community or post the question myself. So here's my question: Is this possible? If so, what is the custom code? I'm not familiar with coding yet. 😀

Here are a couple screenshots of the Qualtrics satisfaction surveys I received after using Qualtrics Support Chat showing what I am looking to achieve. (I would like it to be red, grey, or green. One example has blue, so just pretend that is green. 😀 )


Hi there! Is there a solution to this question? I am interested in finding the same answer.

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